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Friday 25 May 2012

Keeping up with the Kardashians

In the world we live in one thing is not es-capable that fame, and fortune is more recognized, and held as being more valuable than honest ordinary work when was the last time you seen your plumber on Expose?. For years this has been the case many of us buy lottery tickets on the way home hoping to hit the jack pot.
All over the world, and during the Celtic tiger years in Ireland celebrity worship was fever pitch, and still is as many hope to escape the austere years ahead. What we must ask ourselves is whether celebrity, and money as well as the trappings that go with it are better?. Separately another question must be asked is a celebrity Worth more than those who work tirelessly in our communities without recognition.
To do this I will compare the stories of various adored celebrities to ordinary people these people will be fictional compared to the real life celebs. Kim Kardashian is the famous personality, and socialite most recently she is famous for divorcing spots star Kevin Humphrey’s after 72 days of marriage.
This is despite the content of the Kardashians being no better than what your family or mine would provide with their own show. I really do not want to be mean however because the hard work I see people in my own community do I have no choice but to be critical.
People such as Frank who trains kid’s to play football get little fanfare but the work he does is important.By teaching young people to play a healthy sport not only does he create a positive legacy trading his knowledge, and skills to give young people a constructive past time he contributes to the lessening thehealth costs his community pay years from now.
Really does Kim Kardashian’s work do more for society, and make a greater contribution than Frank’s? another well endorsed celebrity is the notable footballer Wayne Rooney. A prodigious talent he is noted for his technical, and creative prowess on the field.
Unfortunately that is not all he is known for despite Mr Rooney’s ample talent and potential to be as great as 1966 hero Geoff Hearst he has not exactly enshrined himself in history with his alleged off field antics. Mr Rooney is an alleged past brothel user known for allegedly securing the services of hookers. 
As a man I do not know about you but it is hard not to be sickened by such alleged behaviour. If we may think for a second cheapening the act of sex to having no real priceless value is rather low. I am a pretty open minded guy but I understand you do not have the liberty to personally disrespect another person even if they willingly participate in being stripped of their dignity.
A person may have free will to do something but they do not have the liberty to co-mitt an act that cheapens women to being an item both, and sold when they as a public figure are assigned the responsibility to be pillars of the community that people look to.
If we once again compare Wayne Rooney lets say to a police officer who serves the public every day, and goes home to his wife, and kids to help them with their homework once again Mr Rooney’s alleged past affairs does not look flattering. Many of us still want the lifestyles of those mentioned in this article. Lets ask ourselves a question however.
Is fame, and money ever be as worth as much as we think it is?. Many of us may be poor in finances but their is a richness that does not knowing how to conform for fame, and it is called personal integrity which many of us have in spades.
Standing before ourselves in front of the mirror today lets look inside ourselves, and say I may not be a millionaire but the work I do is valuable, and I possess treasures that no Emperor can conquer, and cannot be bought for any price. 
( It should be noted the writer of this piece means no offence, and will immediately retract anything that is proven to be slanderous, and defamatory and outright lies with a full public apology issued)


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